My Projects
This Website
This website is coded by me as a hobby project and has gone through many iterations in different
languages and framework.
It has by now evolved into a FastAPI
The reason is that FastAPI gives me the power to implement exactly what I want while not being
unnecessarily complex.
py_simple_openid_connect - Simple and opinionated OpenID Connect client library
GitHub Documentation PyPi Page
This library implements the Relying Party and Resource Server parts of the OpenID Connect specification. It provides integrations into Django and Django-Rest-Framework, supports most commonly used OpenID Connect features but is designed to be as easy to use and understand as possible.
Pixelflut - A pixel drawing game for programmers
Pixelflut is a game for programmers and other technical minded people in which bots are used to collaboratively or competitively draw on a shared canvas.
There is a server running at tcp://
It has a canvas size of 800x600 pixels and its content is live-streamed below.
For an interactive demo, a separate pixelflut page is also available.
Mafiasi - Web-Services for university students is a website that offers various web based
computer science students of the Universität Hamburg.
Programming Puzzles
very secret riddlesHidden on this website are a number of riddles that are meant for other programmers or nerds.
Mass Move Minion Magic - A game about summoning minions and solving puzzles
In Mass Move Minion Magic you summon minions and steer them through puzzles in your different chambers. The catch? You control all minions at the same time.
This game was made in the context of the Ludum Dare 55 GameJam. This means that the total development time was limited to only 72 hours, and we also created all the assets ourselves.
Play it now on the latest release page!
Ideas & Future Projects
Here's an incomplete list of things I plan to do or think would be a cool project eventually in no particular order. If someone wants to participate, feel free to get in touch :)
- A Blog Somewhere I can write about stuff in more detail
- Microblogging Stuff There are some standards like WebMention which sound pretty interesting. I want to see if I can integrate that or PubSub into the blog mentioned above.
- A platform to crowdsouorce statistics about which political party hangs up which voting posters where and when. I'm interested to find out if certain poster campaigns can be associated with e.g. city districts, average income etc. (It would also be kinda neat to know where the so called "AfD" has posters)
- Virtualization with systemd-vmspawn I've read about this in the systemd release not and it sounds interesting so I want to see if it's any good
OpenStreetMap TileServer but with SVG tiles
Last time I looked, the OpenStreetMap tile servers were outputting pre-rendered tiles as PNGs.
This is not very flexible becaue there are only a few themes and some knobs to turn when requesting such map data.
I want to revive an old project of a friend of mine (Map-Data) which solves this by using a TileServer that serves tiles as SVGs. - IP over Pixelflut A custom IP stack using pixelflut as the underlying link layer. A pixel map is basically a byte buffer anways right?!?
- Microcontroller & LED shenanigans The usual. I want things to be sparkly and freshen up my soldering skills.